
I know I always say I am never going to mention my family here but today I am making an exception.

ON Tuesday night My sister passed away, She died From Cancer.  A diseased that So far has taken My Wife,  My Dad, My Uncle, and now My sister.  In this world we are Blessed to have Family but also we  get busy with life and we forget to talk to our family.

We have, twitter, Facebook, blogs, Cell phone and all other kinds of social media and we still are too busy at times to call each other and actually talk.  I am well a person Guilty of  this having all types of tech, social media and still I isolate myself.   Thats is my take on it but friends just tell me I am busy being a single dad. Trying to make my children’s lives as normal as possible when you lose a spouse.

For some of those who know me. When  you read this you will be surprised that I had a Sister because if you knew me in High school I was an only child but my dad had a daughter before he had me, It was when He lived in Hawaii , back in 1941. Yes, my dad lived in Hawaii and was there when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.  He married a woman and had  a daughter.  Then they disappeared and this was before computers and records were easy to change so she disappeared. So, I never met her till I was out of college after my parents went to Hawaii for a trip.   She was 18 years older than me so she was born in 1945 if I have my math skills in tact.

It is not a fairytale like Hollywood it was a struggle because we were set in our ways. So, I also have a Niece and Nephew that are about 3 years younger than me.  That makes it a little weird but it’s not Hollywood its real life, we rarely talked.  Went to see them a few times its hard to forge a connection when this happens.  We never really connected; but she was still family and we tried.  Still we had a strained relation ship, we rarely talked we were friends on Facebook and chatted there but I had not seen her since my dad passed 17 years ago. The last time we talked on the phone was back when my wife passed.

So, I keep thinking if I had or if we had done things differently would things be different but we can’t change the past but only our future.  I am writing this so maybe someone might read this and well learn from the error of my ways, bad choices in my family.   So maybe they will make  a good choice or a better choice than I made.

Also , it is making me think.  That I should reevaluate how I treat family or how I will interact with people in the future.  I need to make more time for people and less time for computers or just trying to be with my family more. Enjoying each minute, memory, thing that might make things better.

Still I will miss my sister. We could have been closer but we weren’t and I guess it was both our faults but we will never know

I closing we all should be good to each other and try to leave things a little better than when we came.

Till next time just keep things real and make things better for every one around you


About It's Smee

I exist, I live, I love, I learn and I rant.. A lot I also have opinions that are mine not yours and like assholes we all have them. Yes I said a bad word deal with it. Thank you, Aloha!
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